Turntable 1





Turntable 1

Turntable 2

Turntable 3





Plaktorna Yapimi, Birinci Bolum

Turntable Constrution Part One

Camlik Plaktorna

Camlik Turntable
(Foto/Photo by Erkut Baykal)

Camlik Plaktorna

Camlik Turntable
(Foto/Photo by Erkut Baykal)

1:87 model icin bilgisayar tasarimi

Computer design for 1:87 model

Plaktornadan cikan depo hatlari

Connections through the depot


The profile

Profillerin balsa agac uzerine aktarilmasi

Marking the profiles on the balsa wood

Kopru platformunun yapimi

Building the bridge platform

Kopru platformunun yapimi

Building the bridge platform

Kopru platformunun iki katmanli sekilde yapimi

Building the bridge platform out of two layers

Katmanlarin yapistirilmasi

Sticking the layers

Kopru govdesinin degistirilen yukseklige gore yeniden yapimi

Rebuilding the bridge body according to a new height

Katmanlarin preslenmesi

Pressing the layers

Presleme sonrasi

After pressing

Govde ve platform uyumunun kontrol edilmesi

Checking the adaptation of the bridge and the platform

Aluminyum levha ile platformun saglamlastirilmasi

Reinforcing the platform by an aluminium sheet 

Mekanik parcalarin hazirlanmasi

Preparing the mechanical parts

Kopruyu dikey mile sabitlemek icin adaptor

An adapter for fixing the bridge to the vertical axle

Adaptorun sekillendirilmesi

Shaping the adapter

Dondurme mekanizmasi

Mechanical pivot assembly

Adaptorun oturmasi icin yuva acmak

Making the groove for the adapter

Acilan yuva

The groove

Mekanizmanin parcalari

The parts of the mechanism

Plaktorna zemininin kesimi

Making the turntable base

Elde edilen platform parcalari ve kopru

The bridge and parts of the platform

Kopru mekanizmasi takilmis halde

The fixed mechanism of the bridge

Kopru mekanizmasi

The mechanism


The bridge

Kopru montaji

The bridge assembly

Vida deliklerinin acilmasi

Drilling the holes for screws

Vida deliklerinin acilmasi

Drilling the holes for screws

Vidalanmis platform

Screwed Platform

Travers tutucu oyuklarin acilmasi

Making the grooves for holding the sleepers

Travers tutucu oyuklar

Grooves for holding the sleepers

Traversler takildi

The sleepers are fixed

Birinci ve ikinci reduktorler arasindaki baglanti burcunun tornalanmasi

Producing the axle-coupler between the two mechanical 
reduction units

Aluminyum levhanin markalanmasi

Marking for cutting the aluminium platform

Platformun montaji

Platform assembly

Mekanik sistemin cift reduktor ile uzatilmasi

The mechanical extension with two reduction units

Koprunun yandan gorunusu

The side view of the bridge

Mekanik sistem

Mechanical assembly

Kopru cukurunun birinci tabakasi

First layer of the pit

Birinci katmanin birlestirilmesi

Fixing the first layer

Birinci tabakanin sekillendirilmesi

Shaping the first layer

Birinci tabakanin markalanmasi

Marking the first layer

Birinci tabakanin yapistirilmasi

Gluing the first layer

Kayar kapak

The sliding cover

Birinci tabaka tamamlandi

First layer is completed

Raylar kopru ustunde

The track on the bridge

Kapak ve altindaki delik

The cover and the hole under

Ikinci katmanin yapimi

Making the second layer

Ikinci katmanin yapistirilmasi

Gluing the second layer

Ikinci katmandaki cukurun islenmesi

Sawing the cavity of the second layer

Birinci katmanin plaktorna zeminine sabitlenmesi

Fixing the first layer to the turntable base

Ikinci tabaka tamamlandi

The second layer is completed

Plaktornanin yan gorunusu

Side view of the turntable

Plaktornanin ust gorunusu

Top view of the turntable

Mekanizmaya ek bir dc motorun baglanmasi
(Plaktorna normalde elle kontrol edliecek)

Adding an extra dc motor to the mechanism
(Actually, the turntable will be controlled by hand)

Yan gorunus

Side view

Hızlı cevirme icin eklenen transformator

Adding a transformer for fast turning

Mekanizmanın guclu tek bir reduktor kullanilarak gelistirilmesi

Improving the mechanism with a single powerful reduction unit

Gelistirilmis mekanizma

The improved mechanism

Plaktorna ikinci bolume gecebilmek icin asagidaki baglantiya tiklayin:

Click the link below for turntable part two:



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